We Want You as an Independent Consulting Partner
Change Communities, One Organization at a Time, Every Day. Do what you do best!
Performance Dashboard’s Independent Consulting Partners deliver the latest innovative data analytics and diagnostic-predictive reports to help leaders and organizations solve their performance problems.
Grow your talents and your consulting practice – focus on your passion and drive success!
Organizational, Leadership, Business Development Consulting, or Executive Coaching; When you do what you do best and love it – you change communities.
As a Consulting Partner, Put Your Greatest Talents to Work
Organizational and Leadership Consultants
Performance Dashboard’s Independent Consulting Partners are Consultants and Advisors who are confident in translating complicated organizational and leadership problems into understandable information and action-based strategies. They are innovative, adaptable, and charismatic professional entrepreneurs who excel at analyzing data and providing custom strategies and interventions at all leadership levels to transform organizations.
Executive Coaches
Performance Dashboard’s Independent Consulting Partners are Executive Coaches who support leaders in achieving results important to their success and the long-term success of organizations and the individuals they serve. Seasoned Coaches have the experience and talents highly valued and sought after for drawing out their clients’ knowledge, emotional and social awareness, insight, and willingness to change behavior and improve performance.
Contact Cappy Leland, PhD for More Information
Cappy Leland, PhD – Founder and CEO
(405) 826-6227 mobile