Strength-Based Leadership

At Performance Dashboard, we are big believers in the CliftonStrengths assessment and what individuals, teams, and entire organizations can learn and apply from the impressive amount of useful information that comes from Gallup assessment reports. 

Performance Dashboard is a Gallup Access member and Patrick J. Rainey, MBA CEC, is a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and has coached hundreds of people and entire organizations on using Strength assessment results to better their lives and expand their career opportunities.

The Strengths assessment measures our unique talents — our natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving — and categorizes them into the 34 CliftonStrengths themes.
Those 34 Strengths are as follows:
Each Strength resides under one of four domains with definitions as follows. These domain categories help people look at the bigger picture of their own talents and help them create some order around achieving goals.

Executing Themes

These nine themes are the hardest working of the bunch. They tend to get things done, with speed, precision, and accuracy. They put in the hard work now, so that when it’s time to move, they are ready. Putting ideas into action is the strength of this domain.

Influencing Themes

These eight themes enable individuals or groups to sell the big ideas. They are able to take charge, speak up and be heard. They are extremely helpful when you need to reach a broader audience, or meet a bigger goal. This can happen both internally with the team, or to external constituents. They tend to influence forward.

Relationship Building Themes

While certainly not the only themes that deal with people (because they’re all about people), these nine themes have an innate ability to take the human component into the equation. They look at how individuals fit into the bigger pictures, and can create pathways for them to thrive. They make strong relational connections that bind a group together around a cause, idea or each other.

Strategic Thinking Themes

When a plan needs to be made, or a new idea created for solving a problem, these eight themes can help accomplish that. Whether it’s thinking into a current problem, or dreaming about how to overcome tomorrow’s, the strategic thinking themes can take a thought or idea and look for the best way to move forward on it. 

Getting Started with Strengths

We always start with Gallup’s guiding mantra that orders a building approach to understanding and using Strengths:
Strengths is a common language that if built and shared among individuals and teams amazing results can be achieved. Nearly 33 million people have used the Strengths assessment and Gallup has learned that there are powerful connections between wise use of Strengths and desired business outcomes:
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